Kabi face mask is something very unique and it really workers wonders on your skin.
yea~* got invited to introduce to you this lovely beauty product from north europe, the KABI organic bioactive face mask. it's a truly effective, deep cleansing and antioxidant face mask, like a breath in the nature's miracle, the best part of it is really does...
最近收到一個來自遠方的品牌-KÄBÏ ORGANIC AND LUXURIOUS BIOACTIVE FACE MASK 有機舒適生物活性面膜,對於這盒包裝平平無奇的清潔面膜卻有3個驚喜位!Continue reading at SmallerYip's little things blog. http://www.theztyle.com/...
She tried it and she loved it. Have a look at her new video athttp://youtu.be/...
能淨化肌膚同時讓肌膚更見明亮細嫩水感十足的肌膚有變得漲漲的能促進細胞更新及整體新陳代謝黃氣疲憊氣色被即時驅走過來肌膚是一片亮麗好氣色的用上了~明顯面上的印印也淡下來~十分讚呀!Tszlam's blog' editor tested our products. And they really liked it .Read out more from their blog :http://blogs.elle.com.hk/tszlam/2015/01/06/kabi-organics...
An冬天天氣都好凍加上前排病了個人好攰皮膚又有少許敏感, 所以都少了寫blog,而之前護膚方面除了日常用的保濕或 潤膚油會用之外,什麼深層清潔面膜、保濕面膜之類都懶 用。但沒做深層清潔一排就發覺毛孔摸到粉刺,仲有d位置有 較明顯的黑頭,呢個情況下我就發現唔可以再懶要速速 攪好返d皮膚先。而上圖呢盒 KÄBÏ Organics 的有機舒適生物活性面膜 ($600/ 100ml)就是我近來經常會用的產品,未介紹前 我已經要講用完效果真係好明顯。KÄBÏ Organics 的宗旨是"全力以赴,將每一件事做到 最好",所以它們的產品都是100%有機製造,而所用的 都是北歐優質的天然材料,再加上以創新的科技技術獲 取最高質的成份,創造出革新性的產品。Read more from her blog:http://cherrypcherry.blogspot.hk/2015/01/kabi-organics-mask.html...