Skin care is a “must” throughout the life cycle regardless of gender. This important body covering breathes, perspi res, stretches, and fits like a glove. Time, however, has a way of changing what the mirror reveals! As the body matures and ages, it is important to recognize, understand, handle, and adapt with the times. This definitely includes skin care needs as well as cosmetic methods and techniques.

The first step to any skin care routine is to rid yourself of things that harm your body (smoking, tanning beds, baking in the sun, too much alcohol).
Skin is reflective of heredity, health patterns, and habits. Eat correctly, exercise regularly, dr ink adequate amounts of water, and get sufficient rest/sleep. Water may be the best-kept beau ty secret. You cannot drink too much.

Technically speaking, skin care is about three things:
protection , exfoliation (ridding the skin of dead cells), and nourishment (inside out and outside in).

As the body matures–especially after age 30–perio dically re-evaluate your skin care routine and the products you use. As the skin changes, adjust sk in care techniques accordingly. For example, if you have always cleansed with soap, it may be necessary to change to a milder  . Consult a skin care professional for assistance and guidance if necessary.

Golden Rule #1: Don’t use anything that comes in bar form (unless recommended by a dermatologist) Never use body soap on your face as it is too strong and harsh. When washing your face, use lukewarm (tepid) water rather than hot. Y ou may need to avoid the use of soap during winter months.

Exfoliation causes the skin to produce new skin that is more youthful and undamaged. Therefore, exfoliation becomes more important with the passing of time. What a wash cloth could do in your youth may now require topical (alpha hydroxyl acid, Retin-A) or mechanical (skin peels) measures. Explore your options with a skin professional (board certified dermatologist).

Golden Rule #2: Do not wipe or scrub, which can abrade or stretch the skin – this includes removing makeup. This process also can jam the skin’s pores.

Immediately after taking a bath or shower, apply a b ody moisturizer all over—extremely important during the winter months. The body’s moisture-pr oducing/moisture-locking glands become less active after age 40. Your complexion frequently requires additional moisturizers.

It is the damage to the inner skin that creates lasting, difficult-to-correct skin problems. Wear sun- screen year around. A sun-screen of
at least SPF 15 is recommended for most individuals. Fair- skinned individuals (blondes) need more protection. (Blondes don’t always have more fun!)

Creams, lotions, cosmetics, or commercial concoctions–regardless of price or promise–cannot permanently bring back what nature and time has changed (wrinkles and “age” spots). Be cautious with new products promising “great” results! You can read why  Kabi peat face mask is truly good for you and what does it consist so that it would really have an effect of making you younger.

Avoid excessive weight loss or the yo-yo (up and down weight gain/loss) effect. Smoking and a smoke-filled environment discolors the comp
lexion and can contribute to wrinkling. Over pleaseÆ Cosmetics / Makeup

Use makeup as an enhancement, not as a cam ouflage; to conceal, not hide. Wrinkles are amplified with lots of makeup.

Apply makeup in good light. A lighted makeup mirror is a great asset.

Makeup formulations on the market are good; they do not clog pores. Re-evaluate products and techniques periodically. Begin with a clean face followed by a moisturizer, then a foundation. Experiment; u se a damp sponge to apply foundation, or use yourfingers with a gentle upward motion. Add water or moisturizer when too thick or when color is too intense. Keep at least two shades on hand–one for
summer skin, one for winter . Color should blend with complexion at jaw line.

If you have less- than-perfect skin, a concealer can cover most any imperfection. Gently pat on with fingertips, or brush on with a soft, flat brush. Concealer is helpful under eyes as well as other areas. Apply concealer first directly to area and then foundation to balance the color.

Blusher can be your best beauty tool or your worst enemy! Smile and apply to the “apples” of the cheek along cheek bones blending toward brows and blending into hairline. Use a sponge or a brush to blend it smoothly.

The eyes are the focal point of the face. Powder th e eye lightly before applying shadow to discourage. Apply eye makeup in this order: shadow, liner, mascara. Using shadow and mascara will the eyes if used properly. Mascara can benefit lashes as they begin to lighten or gray. Work with a makeup professional to learn the best techniques for your facial features.

Eyebrows become sparser as the body ages. Pluck brows after a shower when pores are open and only hairs outside the brow line; snip or trim ends of hairs in brow line that grow too long. Use a brush eyebrow color close to natural hair color to fill in. Use short feathery stokes; avoid using a pencil, as it can produce harsh, unflattering lines.

Use a lip liner to outline lips; select a color close to lipstick color. Move to a good, clear lip color rather than lip gloss. Apply lipstick with a lip brush. Blot first application, apply powder, and reapply for long-lasting color. To soften lip color, use petroleum jelly.

Makeup should never just sit on the face. Blend, blot, or brush everything. Makeup for street-wear should look natural.

Gravity naturally and normally takes its toll on the face. If and/or when you wash your face, pat your skin dry. Avoid facial exercises throughout the life cycle as it hinders rather than helps the facial muscle tone. One of the best gravity-beaters is sm iling! A smile turns up the corners of the mouth, lifts the cheeks and crinkles the eyes–all of which counteracts sagging muscles.

we in Kabi organics what that our clients and friends would make informed decisions. If you have questions about our peat face mask or how do Kabi skincare products work then we are very glad to tell you more.

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