
Moments when people have felt precious by using our products . Discover their stories below.

MY EXPERIENCE First thing I notice when I open the jar, was a very natural smelling product. It's not strong and I wouldn't say it's smelly, but it's definitely not a product you buy for the scent. It's hard to describe how it smells, but it's...

Whitening: Are you longing for beautiful blush-white skin but scared about the risk and are not sure how to achieve it.? Here are five common misconceptions about complexion brighteners, and the truth behind them.Myth #1Using skin whitening products can damage your skin.That depends on the type...

♬黑面神變白雪肌☻KÄBÏ Organics有機舒適生物活性面膜♬ 啡黑色的泥狀質地,看起來真的和種花的泥土沒有兩樣 XD就像濕潤的泥土,不算難推,使用時厚敷泥膜於面上,適當的厚度就是要看不到肉色的皮膚,起初皮膚感到有點刺刺的,敷了約5分鐘後就已經開始變乾,大約10分鐘後就可洗淨,不過泥膜附著力較高,相對較難洗,用毛巾抹的話還會把毛巾染成啡黑的…個人認為用濕紙巾先抹一次再過水,比較乾淨衛生又省時。Read More at:

Made with peat, the dark cream may not look that appealing, but it definitely makes your skin feel deeply cleansed and fresh, especially if you’ve been out all day in the icky polluted air! My skin felt softer and looked clearer after using it, and I...