The story of our Peat pface masks began more than seven thousand years ago, when a special substance began to form in the belly of Mother Nature. Found in only a few places on earth and researched thoroughly only in one. KÄBÏ Organics peat skincare technology brings you the healing abilities of untouched and unique peat, from the deep wilderness, this gift of earth is extracted by hand, inspected and moulded thoroughly to meet the highest demands of quality. While creating KÄBÏ skincare products, we have taken the long and hard road — uncompromising the organic nature of our product. We have kept it free of all synthetics and harmful ingredients. Hard to make? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely. After years of testing of research and refining, we can finally bring you an all-natural bioactive anti-aging peat mask with one of the most powerful natural antioxidants known to science.